Documentary Candid Family Session - Eee, Zee and Cee - Part 2

2 years ago, I documented Cee when he was just a fresh new baby and Eee was taking down schedules of poops. I recall Cee was only a week or so old and so everything was new for everyone.

(You can see the first session here)

So then it was really cool to be able to come back again a few years later and see how this little boy had grown up. What a difference a year or two makes.

He’s definitely not a newborn anymore.

He’s definitely not a newborn anymore.

A very cool part of my job is having clients who call me back for another session and being able to see the changes they’ve been through and to catch up with them. Kids, as I’ve found out as a parent myself, grow up rather quickly in this time frame. To be able to capture them through long-term documentary photo-project or a number of sessions over years creates a sense of almost time travel.

That’s some pretty good chopstick mastery if you ask me.

That’s some pretty good chopstick mastery if you ask me.

They only stay little for so long.

They only stay little for so long.

Being able to create amazing candid documentary family photographs that really represent who the family is really brings a joy to my heart. Many years down the road when I’m old and grey and these kids look back at their photos, they won’t see posed photos by golden trees and forced laughter. They’ll see the little details that remind them of their childhood and their mom and their dad and a time when they were too young to comprehend it all.