Insurance Institute Battle of the Bands - 10th Annual (And my 7th year taking photographs!)

So a while ago, I took photographs for a fundraiser for the Insurance Institute. This particular time was special because not only had the location moved to a bigger venue due to the massive turnout but also… It was my 7th year (in 10 years of them running the annual event) photographing this spectacular event for charity.

It is truly amazing to see the musical talent that exists in the insurance industry. It makes for some very lively nights and a fantastic time for all attending. Getting to be up close to the front and almost feeling the sweat of the musicians drip onto me (depending on how hard they’re swinging their head) is a fantastic feeling.

While I don’t focus entirely on concert photography, I am a musician at heart having played piano for 10 years and also taking on jazz piano as well as learning a few other instruments. My true passion still lies with still images and photography but I do feel a beat in my heart for music of all kinds.

While an amazing band can really make the night, it’s the people participating in the crowd that can really turn things up to 11.

While an amazing band can really make the night, it’s the people participating in the crowd that can really turn things up to 11.

It is this intersection of music and photography that keeps bringing me back to this event, as well as the opportunity to encourage people to attend (through these photographs) and thus raise money through charity. Yes, in the end, despite there being a single winner of this Battle of the Bands, there is the charities in the end that always win.

“Rod Stewart” pointing out that I was too close to the stage… Just kidding! He was mid-song and pointed to me where the song lyrics probably included the word “you”.

“Rod Stewart” pointing out that I was too close to the stage… Just kidding! He was mid-song and pointed to me where the song lyrics probably included the word “you”.

Is that a KEYTAR?!

Is that a KEYTAR?!

Most venues like these tend to have flashing coloured lights when the music starts pumping. I use these lights to my advantage by timing it so that the light engulfs the person; a smoke or fog machine helps create this slight mist to emphasize this.

Most venues like these tend to have flashing coloured lights when the music starts pumping. I use these lights to my advantage by timing it so that the light engulfs the person; a smoke or fog machine helps create this slight mist to emphasize this.