I'm Back. It's Been A While: A Look Back on the Last 2 Years So Far (2020)

I haven’t posted in a while. It’s been a long time. It was just a few days ago that the fireworks happening in all parts of the world as we all collectively rung in the new year of 2022… and with a new year comes new opportunities. As I sat down and looked at some of my old photos and old posts from a while ago, I thought to myself that it was finally time to start to come back again and turn back on the pilot light that was my photography passion. You see, COVID really put a damper on that.

2020 and 2021 were really rough for me. I saw some major bookings fall out and as we all battled (and still continue to battle) the pandemic, I decided that the shift in the way we lived and interacted meant it was time to re-focus… but sadly this also meant that I had to give up dreams that I had so long lived for and make changes to thoughts, habits and directions that I had long clutched close to me for the last decade or so. It was tough. 

I rested (i.e. video gaming! Woo!)... but I also explored. Stepping out of some aspects of photography meant that I refocused on some other aspects of my photography passion BUT also allowed me to try some new things as well. I now fly FPV drones and create some dynamic flying videos AND… I also started a Youtube channel about (you won’t believe this) … Cheese! It was also at this time that I realized what really matters to all of us more than business and even more than photos: Family and Friends. So I took time out to ride out the early parts of the pandemic lock downs and be with my family and Zoom with friends.

The Cheese Channel I started…. if you’re curious.

In the midst of all of the falling out, I was still getting inquiries. It was great to know that there were people out there who valued my approach and offerings and we figured out ways to make it all happen.**

I blog this not knowing if anyone will read it (though I hope the FB algorithms will not push this out of people’s feeds but… you know…. algorithms happen) but I do it to mark what will hopefully be a turning point for me. I also hope that 2022 will be a turning point for you too and that you’ll grow, change and adapt to this new normal in ways you could never imagine.

For now, I’ll keep the cameras by my side, ready to go at a moments notice as always.

**A quick note: For the indoor photos, most of those were taken in the early part of the year and took place before the shut downs and lock downs and people hoarding toilet paper (yes, that was a thing… remember?). When the weather allowed in the Summer and Fall, I did all of the photo shoots outdoors. This was in accordance with the health rules at the time.


(the last one before lockdowns)


Jamie Poh is a good friend of mine and you can see her work by looking up “Jamie Poh Creative”


What a year it was. The world basically flipped upside down and nothing is quite the same as it was before. In my next post, I’ll review some highlights and assignments of my photography journey in 2021. In the meanwhile, stay safe out there!!