The Immensity of Trees

While I photograph a majority of the time in black and white, I truly feel that there are times when colour is the approach I want to take. The tone of an entire image, or even set of images, changes when using colour or black and white.

I know there are times when we photographers have said that we change colour images to black and white when they're kinda sucky and "black and white will save it". Not to me. Black and white is a language... a language of photography. Colour is another language. Just like languages, different tones and expressions can affect the mood of the conversation and/or... photograph. 

To me, black and white is not a crutch to lean on nor is it a "style" I choose. To me, it's a way of thinking and a way of seeing the world... 

Then I see a lush forest with a brilliant green and think to myself "I can best express this feeling I get from this moment using colour." 


The images were all taken during a recent rainy/cloudy/overcast hike around Lighthouse Park in Vancouver. 
Nikon film camera + Ektar 100 film (scans adjusted to a Portra setting)